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Schlagwort: ROI

Was beim Auslandeinsatz zu beachten ist

Text von Mirta Del Frari, Expateer GmbH

HR Going Global… „Alles Roger?“

Werden KMU international tätig, werden bald einmal die ersten Mitarbeitenden für einen begrenzten Zeitraum ins Ausland entsandt. Entsendungen sind für Personalverantwortliche oft auch Neuland. Mit ein paar Tipps behält man die Übersicht im unbekannten Territorium.


Cost Containment: Revising Global Expatriate Policies Without Sacrificing Performance

Text by Christa Zihlmann, Mercer

Reducing costs is an imperative for all business, regardless of size. Multinationals, however, have a tightrope to tread: they are increasingly concerned about the expenditure associated with expat programs, but also need to offer packages that will attract and retain top talent. This article looks at …


Global Mobility Fails to Deliver Desired ROI

Text by David McCann, CFO.com

A majority of companies find that they’re not getting „good value for money“ spent on sending employees abroad, PwC says. Most companies don’t think they’re getting a sufficient return on investment from sending employees abroad, new PricewaterhouseCoopers research reveals. Global Mobility fails to deliver desired ROI.
