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Schlagwort: Work Permit

Corporate Immigration: The Role of the Vander Elst Ruling in the Provision of Services in Europe

Text by Raquel Gómez Salas of Newland Chase

Today we examine the role of the important Vander Elst ruling in the provision of services in Europe
(Part 2 of 2)
Here you can access Part 1, where we have outlined the challenges in corporate immigration in relation to contractual services and after-sales work visas. Focus on this second part is on provision of services within Europe.



Corporate Immigration: Provision of Services Across Borders

Text by Raquel Gómez Salas of Newland Chase

Contractual services and after-sales work visas
(Part 1 of 2)
The Annex on movement of natural persons under GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) aims to liberalise services globally by facilitating the movement of four categories of natural persons providing services:



Personenfreizügigkeit für Staatsangehörige von Rumänien und Bulgarien

Text von Nina Perch-Nielsen, Blue Lake Legal

Der Bundesrat hat am 15. Mai 2019 eine Änderung der Verordnung über die Einführung des freien Personenverkehrs (VEP) verabschiedet, die die Kontingente für Bulgarien und Rumänien aufhebt. Ab dem 1. Juni 2019 gilt entsprechend für Angehörige dieser Staaten die volle Personenfreizügigkeit.   (…)



Australia: Employer Sponsored Skilled Visa – Skilling Australians Fund (SAF)

Text by Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs

Employer Sponsored Skilled Visas – Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) Levy

The newly introduced measures sharpen the focus of Australia’s employer sponsored skilled migration programs to ensure they better  (…)


CHINA: New Foreigner Work Permit Policies

Text by Debra Beynon, Crown World Mobility

To standardize the management of work permits for foreigners, and to attract more quality talent to the territory, the Chinese government has designed and implemented a new foreigner work permit management system. This reform (…)
